Need to see a GP urgently? General practitioners’ clinic: for emergencies only

Need to make an urgent visit to the general practitioner out-of-hours? Please call the general practitioners’ clinic (0900 333 6 333). Urgent means that the medical assistance you need cannot wait until you can go to your own general practitioner. 

If you call the general practitioners’ clinic, a triagist (a type of specially-trained physician’s assistant) will determine the degree of urgency and follow-up needed. The triagist might give you advice about what you can do for yourself, or you may be asked to come to the clinic. In that case, you’ll need to organise your own transport to the clinic. In case of a medical necessity, the general practitioner may visit you at home or we may send an ambulance.

  • Do you suspect you or a family member has contracted Covid-19? Scroll down to see what you should do (out-of-hours).
  • Life-threatening emergency? Call 112.
  • Need a dentist urgently? Call your dentist. You will hear where you can go for emergency treatment.

What information should I have handy?
A triagist will answer your call to the general practitioners’ clinic and will ask some questions. A triagist is a physician's assistant or nurse with additional training who can assess whether you need urgent help.

The triagist will need the following information:

  • your BSN number (citizen service number) (or the BSN number of the person for whom you are calling)
  • your name, address and date of birth (or the data of the person for whom you are calling)
  • your insurance information (insurance card or policy).
  • your GP’s name
  • your medical history
  • your current medications.

Going to the clinic? Bring your ID!

Are you insured with a foreign health insurer? You will have to pay immediately, preferably with a debit card. If that is not an option, please pay in cash.